Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Madness of Jake Caulder chapter 15

Chapter 15

In the next year, 1995Mrs. Keller was offered a job in Pekin Illinois, a small town about ten miles outside Peoria at two times her present salary. The offer was very tempting, and with her responsibility of raising Jake, the money would come in handy as well, but she was hesitant about doing it. She wasn’t sure if the move would be wise because of Jake already having been uprooted from his mom’s house.
After careful thought and deliberation, the house was put up for sale and sold quickly. She and Jake moved into a new home, where she hoped she would be able to make life for Jake as good as possible. Now she would be able to afford all those things that she hadn’t been able to before.
Of course, because Jake was so young, she didn’t discuss it with him ahead of time. She didn’t think that it really would matter to Jake because as far as she was concerned, one house is as good as another for a child.
She couldn’t have been further from the truth. What she didn’t realize was that Jake’s favorite place was the field where he liked to kill the town’s cats and birds.
He began to resent her as days turned into weeks, weeks into months. By the time Jake was twelve, he knew that Mrs. Keller was no longer his friend and he was going to have a nice long talk with her about it.

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